Consumer rights regarding dress not up to standard to dry clean


New Member
Hi - I have just come back from my dry cleaners after being explained that the debs dress I had purchased from a large Dublin supplier, is not up to the standard for the dry cleaner to clean. He advised that I should contact the shop in question to ask them to redress this fact as the detailing on the dress cannot withstand drycleaning. The fabric label states spot clean, but that nowhere does this anymore.
Is there anything I can do about this under consumer law?

You could start by reading this link:

or by going directly to the horse's mouth:
Spot cleaning can be done yourself. If you know what type of material (silk for example) you can look up spot cleaning instructions online (testing in an inconspicuous area if possible.

Put this one down to a lesson learned and check the care instructions prior to purchase if you would prefer dry cleaning to be an option.