console game repair


Registered User
Hello all ,I got an xbox 360repaired in a city centre repair centre in July this year .It has been back to same repairer with same problem (3 red rings)twice already.I paid €80.00 on first occassionfor repair.Now its broken down again -same problem- they want another €50.00 to look at it cos in small print on receipt it says no returns on repairs accepted after 1 month.Would i be covered by the sale of goods + suuply act or any other advice.
I presume you didn't buy the console there? How old is it?

The small print on the receipt does not affect your statutory rights, 1 month time limit on a repair is not sufficient I would imagine. Contact the Consumers Association for support in this.
console repair

Thanks Leo.Surprise surprise when I mentioned Sale of Goods Act they had a rethink and in is in the repair workshop now
No problem, happy to hear you got a result there! Well done.