Q1. Depends on how fast the tenant makes the application, when it is approved (CWO usually has to do a home visit to confirm residency), whether the tenant actually qualifies for Rent Supplement, and what frequency it's paid. Rent Supplement is paid in arrears, so, for example, if the tenant is paid RS by the calendar month, the payment issues at the end of the month.
Q2. There's a form (SWA3) which the tenant will give you. You are required to complete part of the form, give it back to the tenant and s/he gives it to the CWO as part of the RS application. If the application is successful, there will be ongoing reviews (could be 3, 6 or 12 months) and you will be asked to sign a form for the review. Mostly to confirm continued tenancy and no change in circumstances (rent increase, extra tenants..)
Q3. The contract for the tenancy is between you as landlord and your tenant, irrespective of whether they're claiming Rent Supplement or not. So you have the same comeback with a RS tenant as with a non-RS tenant. There is no contract between you and the HSE/DSFA
Q4. The CWO visits the property to confirm residence as part of the tenant's application, and may visit from time to time during the lifetime of the claim. Not an inspection as such - there would be no inspection of the property itself.
Just to explain my alphabet soup!
CWO - Community Welfare Officer, HSE (where the tenant applies for Rent Supplement).
HSE - Health Service Executive - CWO's employer
DSFA - Department of Social and Family Affiairs, who set the regulations for Rent Supplement.