Consensus politics


Registered User
Just looking at some of the debates here - does it not show us that consensus politics isn't possible? People argue from the left and right, on rare occassions there is agreement on a small point, but in the main people have their positions and are sticking with them, despite the arguments.
To me it shows why it takes so long to get decisions through the more committees etc. that we have. The more we try to buiild consensus, the more we fight against quicksand.
What we need is a decision maker in each department, and then for those decisions to be carried out. The Irish people vote in the decision maker. End of.
Change is happening far too slowly, and the consequences of this slow pace are going to be devastating for this country.
Consensus only happens on small issues. We should press ahead in a direction and in five years when an election is called the Irish public can have their say as to whether we change direction or not. We have always been more talk then action - let's try the other way round.
An election would clear the air and give the opposition a clear mandate - which FF seem to have lost. However the Rainbow nature of the next government would seem to militate against decisiveness. That said FF are sticking to Croke Park Agreement which would appear to tie the governments hands behind its back in terms of making the savings required, so whatever hope we have maybe it'll be FG forcing through real change against the grumblings of labour.

This national government malarkey seems like desparation calls from the Greens. Basically would you trust the people who wrecked your house with the job of fixing it?, I think not.