Connection to sewer


Registered User

Apparently the delay on my new house (in an estate) is something to do with the connection to the sewer.

Is this a big thing that is likely to hold it up for months, or can it be sorted quite quickly?

Appreciate any help?
Our new house and the whole housing estate was held up for about 3 months (2 years ago) due to problems connecting to the mains sewage. In our case the council wouldn't allow the builders to connect into the sewage system because a number of faults showed up on the sewers in the estate when the council did the underground survey with their video equipment. The Builders kept blaming the council and kept asking all the residents to contact the council to get them to allow the connection but the council insisted (rightly) that the builder repair/replace all the broken underground pipes. They had to get a specialist company in to line the insides of the system before the council repeated their survey and allowed the connection.
Thanks for your reply.

The first few houses in the estate have already been released though, which I find strange.

Its a circular problem normally. Planing permission is quite clear - no houses to be inhabited until sewers are connected. Builder races ahead and houses are ready but sewers are not connected. Builder needs money as banks are hounding him, purchasers want in because they've already been waiting so long. Builder tries to pressurise Council, Council say"on yer bike, sunshine" and on and on it goes. In fairness, Councils are pretty much on the ball ( IMO) and its over excited builders who are the problem.

Sit tight and wait is the answer.

also it could be worth your while to contact the planning person in the council - we did this (found that she was very helpful - she outlined the problems and exactly what the builder needed to do) - we went back to the builder armed with this info and also informed other people we knew were waiting to move in - at least we were in the know and didn't have to swallow the crap the builder was trying to put on us as third/fourth hand info (chinese whispers and all that).
Just got word that they are doing something temporarily (sorry can't explain, it kind of went in over my head. until they sort it out and they hope that i'll be in my house in 6 to 8 weeks.... fingers crossed.