Connecting phone/BB to wall.


Registered User
Apologies in advance for technical ineptitude to follow:

I have broadband at home through a wireless router (Netgear). Regularly I can't connect and I'm increasingly convinced that a poor connection to the wall is to blame. It's as if somebody in the past yanked a phone connection out - you don't get a satisfying click now when you put a phone cable in.

I recall a year ago trying to buy a new unit to attach into the wall and the Eircom shop on Sth. King St. in Dublin (just down from the Gaiety) could only sell me a little one (approx. 1.5 x 2 inches) into which the wire from the phone or splitter went into the side.

But what I'm looking for is one of the units which are approx. 3 inches square and where the wire connects into the middle (to replace the one I have).

Where in Dublin should I look for one? (What is it called?)
Socket.....I knew there was a word for it! (It's amazing how google can't interpret the words thingie or yoke...)
Except, of course, that in simplifying the whole operation a load of new terms get coined which further confuse the likes of me.....