Connecting dvd to tv - scart via Sky box or hdmi direct?

Ceist Beag

Registered User
Sorry I'm not all that clued in when it comes to this but I'm just confused as to which is the best way to connect my dvd recorder to the tv. It supports hdmi (as does the tv) so I could connect it via a hdmi cable, or else I could connect it to the sky box via a scart cable - just not sure which is either the best way or the right way if I want to record from the tv to the dvd recorder? I've yet to buy a cable so would like to get it right first. Also can anyone explain the sometimes outrageous prices on these cables? I was in Harvey Norman yesterday and nearly fell over with the prices on some ... scart cables were starting at €49.99 up to €200! Please tell me I can get something decent for less than €20!
Is there a scart-IN connection on the dvd recorder? If there is, optimal connections would be as follows:

TV-DVD Recorder = HDMI
SKY to DVD Recorder = Scart

HDMI is a digital cable like a USB cable for printer so either it works or it doesn't - spending extra money provides no real gain. Scart is analog so it is worth spending extra money on it although it depends how fussy you are with your pic quality - you mightn't notice any difference.

I picked up a Philips HDMI cable in Tesco a while back for 2.99euro (on sale). I think that offer is over. You should be able to get one somewhere for 10-20euro max or a lot less if you shop online - similar price for SCART. Have a look at although you can sometimes do better elsewhere. Aldi/Lidl have periodic offers on these.
Thanks for that folks, appreciate it. Bleary I got a great deal on that site, a gold plated hdmi cable (1.8 meters) only $9.75 (so about €7.50 with free shipping ... result!!