Connect PSP to Internet


Registered User
I'm not sure whether I should post this in the IT section or here so feel free to move it. Does anyone know how you can connect your PSP to the Internet. I have wireless Broadband but can't get the PSP to connect to it.

Thanks in advance.
might be a silly question but did you turn the button on the side on. Its oppsite the on/off button. This turns the wireless network on the PSP on afaik.
Not a silly question at all, I didn't turn it on but the young monster wanting to connect it did! It finds a network but won't connect to it. It just has us baffled. Apparently no-one in school can figure it out.
Look at the security settigns on the PSP and make sure that you are entering the correct password/code to connect to your wireless broadband. Unfortunately I don't have wireless so don't know exactly want the procedure is.
Not a silly question at all, I didn't turn it on but the young monster wanting to connect it did! It finds a network but won't connect to it. It just has us baffled. Apparently no-one in school can figure it out.

If you use the 'Easy' 'Automatic' settings it should do it for you. Do any other computers in the house connect wirelessly to your router? If so you could check the DNSsettings for laptop etc. and enter the settings manually into the PSP to see if this works.

Otherwise check you don't have anything else operating that may interfere with the wireless 2.4ghz band such as baby monitor, TV digisender or microwave.

Alternatively there is a tutorial if you are an Eircom broadband customer on
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