Congrats Kilkenny 4-in-a-row

So what your saying is to divorce ourselves from the emotional connection of a hectic match, ignore a blatant controversial incident that had a massive bearing on the outcome and be manly men?

In a word yes. Referees make mistakes, they're only human. To hold the referee accountable for the outcome of the game is petty - even moreso when this was such a magnificent match. As I said Tipp only have themselves (not the referee) to blame for not winning this match. This isn't a game of soccer we're talking about - the game doesn't swing on one score - there were 47 scores in this match - you're making out that one of these is responsible for Tipp losing! We'll never know what might have happened had Kilkenny only been given a free instead of a penalty but it's time to accept it and get over it and congratulate the victors on a truly magnificent achievement.
He was not accountable for the outcome he was accountable for a basic mistake. Players spend the whole year gearing themselves towards the pinnacle of their careers, human error is to be expected but such a basic error is very hard to take.
Tipp and Kilkenny played a great game and they both missed their share of goal opportunities. I have congratulated Kilkenny on winning a great match already, and my point is that the outcome could have been different had the correct and fair decision been made.
I'm also well over it at this stage, I just think this point of be a man and get over it is nonsense. Imagine the outcry if Kilkenny were denied a 4 in a row through a penalty decision going against them.
They got the call and the got the cup, I don't think they will dwell on others misfortunes.
my point is that the outcome could have been different had the correct and fair decision been made

Idle speculation MrMan, if it was a two point win you might have something to discuss.

Tipp were one point down after the penalty, if they were good enough to beat Kilkenny they could have won from there.

That is 3 wins out of 3 for KK against Tipp this year. Tipp are getting closer but didn't have enough to get over the finish line in the end

just thought it was worth consideration. The penalty handed the initiative back to Kilkenny, the last couple of points were down to Tipp having to alter their game to go for goal and therefore allowing kilkenny the extra room to pick off the points. It is speculation, I would prefer if there was no need for it and we saw a fitting end to the game.
just thought it was worth consideration. ...
IMHO, attempting to apportion blame to any single event or incident for the outcome last Sunday demeans hurling, the game (no prisoners taken, no whingers), the players, Tipperary's contribution and Kilkenny's achievement.

There's a number of possible scenarios that could have contributed to a different outcome but as an American colleague used to say 'coulda, shoulda, woulda - but didn't'.

Take your pick, for example, from this list of things I've heard discussed that lost the match for Tipp -

  • If Tommy Dunne, the 'windiest' of the Tipp panel, hadn't been brought on
  • If Tommy Dunne hadn't been sent off (deservedly IMHO)
  • If P. J. Ryan hadn't had a man of the match performance
  • If more Tipp frees had been converted

Picking out an incident that had huge significance isn't quite the same as saying that kilkenny deserved to win or not. Do you not think it was a major talking point? This crack about manly men taking their beating is great for pub talk but when it comes down to it why bother have any analysis of the games on any scale if we can't even discuss the importance to both teams of such a decision?
I presume you mean Benny Dunne and if he had not of been sent of who knows it could have benefited either team, but a penalty decision offers a direct 3point scoring chance, it has a definite influence is all I'm saying.

I started talking about my feeling that Tipp were hard done by, I don't see the problem with that, it's an opinion.