Conference on reform of the Legal Profession Friday 6 July

Brendan Burgess

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Half Day Conference
Regulatory Reform for a 21st-Century Legal Profession
to be held on
Friday 6th July 2012
The Conrad Hotel, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2
Chair: Professor Sandeep Gopalan,
Professor of Law and Head of Dept. of Law, NUI Maynooth.
09.00- Registration and coffee.
09.30 - Mr. Alan Shatter TD, Minister for Justice, Equality & Defence. New
Regulation - Taking hold of a future that is already happening
10.00 - Professor Colin Scott, Dean of Law, University College Dublin.
Overview – Models of Regulation for the Legal Profession
10.45 - Coffee Break
11.00 - Mr. Steve Mark, Legal Services Commissioner, State of New South
Wales, Australia. Regulation of the Legal Professions – The
Australian Experience with particular focus on New South Wales.
11.30 - Mr. Chris Kenny, Chief Executive, Legal Services Board for England
& Wales. Implementing New Regulation – the experience to date.
11.50 - Questions & Answers Session
13.00 - Closing of Conference
Places are limited so please register free of charge online at