"Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants"..statement by Michael O'Leary in SIndo

Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

A friend of mine working in an Institute of Technology gets 54. He says he has the best job in the country.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Flexi days are not days off, they are days worked up in advance.
Yes but 6.5 hours a day is a very short working week (8-3 with a 30 minute break) so working what amounts to a full week (40-45 hours) will give you your flexi-days in no time.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Yes but 6.5 hours a day is a very short working week (8-3 with a 30 minute break) so working what amounts to a full week (40-45 hours) will give you your flexi-days in no time.

Civil Servants work 7 hours a day, excluding a lunch break which has to be taken outside of those hours and in your own time. You have to work up an extra 7 hours to get a flexi day. I'm not sure where Birroc worked, but it definitely wasn't the Civil Service.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Balanced reporting? I dunno about that.

I have yet to read a newspaper article which concerns a union issue and which doesn't feature some sort of statement from a union rep.

As far as I can see they don't do interviews anyway - just issue short vague statements which they refuse to expand upon - in fairness a lot of this has to do with ongoing talks/issues etc.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Well, they obviously didn't consult a union rep when they printed Michael O'Leary's comment.

As I said, I've no objection to fair criticism, but subjective rants from the likes of Brendan O'Connor, with no balancing article elsewhere in the paper, really annoy me. However, we obviously have to agree to disagree as this could go on and on.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

OK, 42 hours a week; still a short working week (42 hours is average in the private sector, 34.5 is average in the public sector).
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Yes, but that's a different debate. My point was that flexi days are not extra leave. They are days worked up in advance. And Civil Servants work a 35 hour week, not 34.5 and if you factor in a lunch break, which I'm sure the Private Sector does, it goes up to 40 hours.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

It's a press release from O'Leary that received minor changes and was printed as an article. It's not PC or CS bashing from a newspaper, it's just knowledge that whenever O'Leary comes out with some extreme statement, it gets attention.

And before the next logical point about journalistic prudence in compiling the article (i.e. mixing in different views), note that it's the exact same principle applied to all union generated press releases. It's copy to fill the pages and it's rarely altered.

So it's fine when it's a union agenda I suppose, but not when it's the other extreme.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

if you factor in a lunch break, which I'm sure the Private Sector does, it goes up to 40 hours.

No, the figures are based on hours worked, lunch breaks are extra. In that context it does matter as the 7 flexi-hours will just being both to the same working week. In fact if those figures were used the private sector people work up an extra day each week!
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

I dunno, we'd all be better off if the whole lot of 'em went on permanent sick leave... *G*
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Its not an extreme statement, its a blatant and damaging lie which was printed, uncorrected, by the newspaper. You don't work for the Indo by any chance?
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Fair enough, but its still a different debate. Civil Servants are required to work 7 hours a day. If they want to take a flexi day they have to work up an additional 7 hours first. Flexi days are not extra holidays as Borrit was implying. That was my point.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

How was taking sick days 'encouraged'?

Well let's just say I wasn't tortured to take my sick-days. Everyone knew how many they had taken and how many uncertified sick days they had left. Managers had no problem with people using their sick days if they had run out of holidays.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Its not an extreme statement, its a blatant and damaging lie which was printed, uncorrected, by the newspaper. You don't work for the Indo by any chance?

Nope, don't work for any media outlet, but was a journalist. It's the way of every newspaper, the press release comes across the desk, it sounds interesting/newsworthy or you just need to fill some space, you edit it and send it on. I'm not defending it, but that's the way it is.

There is no checking of any stats or "facts" in the media. Sad but true. Hence the current media myth that the electricians have their increases agreed in the LRC.

And on O'Leary: c'mon, if anyone takes him seriously, then I pity them. Though the only incorrect part of his statement i can see is he used compulsory rather than "entitlement". It's hard to deny that there are those in the PS CS who see the sick leave as an entitlement.

The point is all sides of the work force have suffered negatively as a result of the media just copying a press release. It's not a bias, it's just laziness/no time on behalf of the journalist to correct them all.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

This wasn't a press release, it was an article compiled by one of their senior reporters. The difference between compulsory and entitlement greatly changed the statement in this case. My brother works in the media and, believe me, he checks and rechecks every fact and figure before it sees the light of day. But then, he's a highly regarded professional and wouldn't print a blatant untruth because he 'didn't have time' to verify it.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

It's an article compiled based on an O'Leary statement.

I'm not defending the practice at all, I'm just saying that it is very common and it works both ways. To say it is only ever applied to the detriment of the PS and CS is false.

Kudos to your brother and I wish that's how it was across the media but it isn't. Again, I hate how agendas are hidden behind false statements and statistics, but this is never questioned by the media. Again, it's agendas across the spectrum of political and social issues that aren't challenged. It's a broad probelm with the media and not just focussed against one group.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Well let's just say I wasn't tortured to take my sick-days. Everyone knew how many they had taken and how many uncertified sick days they had left. Managers had no problem with people using their sick days if they had run out of holidays.

Well I work in the CS and have never seen that type of carry-on. If it happened in our place, it would be treated as akin to fraud. I remember being in a meeting with a senior manager once who stated casually that anyone messing with the flexi system or sick leave was defrauding the state and should be treated accordingly.

With regards to checking facts, my brother works in the media as well. I have lost count as to how many times I have had to correct his facts on things.
One former employer of mine (private sector) had a daily sick leave rate in excess of 11% - yes, more than 11% of people gone every day. Company still exists in spite of this.

Any talk of the Indo being sued for libel by public sector unions? Would be a huge payout given the number of employees involved.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Well let's just say I wasn't tortured to take my sick-days. Everyone knew how many they had taken and how many uncertified sick days they had left. Managers had no problem with people using their sick days if they had run out of holidays.

When you say managers 'had no problem', were they aware people were using sick days when not ill.
Was it all managers or just the one you worked for?
Or were you a manager yourself, as your very generous annual leave would suggest.
How does keeping a record of sick days taken indicate intention to abuse the system?
How widespread was this abuse? One or two unscrupulous staff, or everyone.
Re: Compulsory sick leave for Civil Servants

Yes, but as a Civil Servant I am objecting to a lie printed about us in the paper. If lies are printed about other groups, they should also object. Saying it happens all the time doesn't excuse it or mean people who have been unfairly insulted should just put up with it.