Compu B is not Apple??


Registered User
Does anyone know what Compu B is? With a recent experience it is defenitely not apple. It appears local, ie it has shops but is it?
Compu B are an Apple reseller, they're an Irish company. They just recently exited examinership after getting into difficulty during the summer.
Thank you, its a pity I did not come on here sooner. That explains my little bit of hassle. They look like apple!!
I think it's an easy mistake to make. The compu-b shop in Dundrum is referred to locally and colloquially as "the Apple store", people think this is the same as "The Apple Store" an Apple-owned and operated retail outlet.

OP if you have a complaint to make about goods or services from a retailer, first document your complaint(s) to the shop in the hope of resolving them.

If this fails to get the matter resolved, follow the steps outlined at In parallel, you can complain directly to Apple.
Yes had a look again on website and its well set up. You see name, then apple experts, then the apple logo and premium... the bit you will miss unless your sharp is reseller.

I'm ok.
Nothing to do with Apple but only found out recently that the only genuine 'Diesel' store is in Kildare Village....Diesel (Ireland) is a completely different company....Really interesting background story to it.
You see name, then apple experts,

Ah, that should be the give-away, they're experts, not geniuses as in the Apple stores

If you have an issue with an Apple product you bought elsewhere, first port of call should be where you bought it. Going to Apple directly is an option if still under warranty, but the obligations under consumer law are with the vendor.
When I Google "compub" I see this - which makes it clear that they are an Apple premium reseller - but I don't see that when on their website and, oddly, they don't seem to have an "About Us" page/link. But even the look and feel of their site is not that of an actual Apple company site so I'm not sure that many people would mistake it for an official Apple company site? I have no idea what their store(s?) look like but again Apple stores have a very distinctive style. And the dreaded "Genius Bars" mentioned earlier...

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I just heard their, compu-b's that is, radio ad and again it makes clear (to me at least) that they are an independent company but the last sentence is "Contact your local Apple Store or compu-b". That last adds confusion as we have no bricks-and-mortar Apple Store in Ireland if you exclude the one in Belfast.
Why would you exclude Belfast?
I don't think that the ad is confusing at all.
Why would you exclude Belfast?
Pandemic, travel restrictions, health situation in the North, Brexit, deal or no-deal, making cross-border shopping unattractive, long-distance shopping burning lots of fossil fuels and so on.
They are an authorised Apple seller. I had a problem with my iphone a while ago and dealt with Apple directly on it. In the end, they told me to send it to Compub to have a look at it.