I have booked the car in for a service at the end of the month.
It struck me that I should probably get a check on the body too.
Like most men I don't visit the doc too often, touch wood little need to.
I accept that the car needs regular checks but tend to neglect myself.
Can anyone recommend where to go
Visit my Doctor and go through him.
Go to the Mater Private and spend 700 quid
or is there a good in between
I am 40 and carrying a bit of extra timber otherwise not too bad I think
It struck me that I should probably get a check on the body too.
Like most men I don't visit the doc too often, touch wood little need to.
I accept that the car needs regular checks but tend to neglect myself.
Can anyone recommend where to go
Visit my Doctor and go through him.
Go to the Mater Private and spend 700 quid
or is there a good in between
I am 40 and carrying a bit of extra timber otherwise not too bad I think