Complaints about Banks

Anne Marie

Registered User
Lads,if you have any genuine problems with the Major Irish Banks, believe me, complain loudly at Customer Care Desk, or call their Customer Care Line,and they WILL be investigated!!!! NEVER think...that your un-worthy!!!! I can assure you...EVERY complaint/ looked into. Complaints are LOGGED...against the Bank person.....whom the complaint is made against, and that person is sharply punished over it. Apart from losing face....that Bank person...also loses hugely....financially+ other ways!!! Trust me.

But, likewise...if you happen to deal with a Great, mannerly, nice, kind, Problem-solving, Bank person, DO...take the time and effort...and WRITE...either a long or a short...letter...and let the Bank well that person assisted you. Please do.

I work at the coal-face in a Major Bank, dealing directly with customers. I take great pride in my work, and I always..."go the extra mile". Because I am a person who is approachable, friendly, normal, mannerly, and courteous....and I see things through...I get customers...who drop in flowers,wine, chocs....All sorts, because they are grateful.

Please, I do get them, but, the Bank frowns on these things, and really, these gifts embarrass me. No need to do this. If you are dead satisfied...with ANY services done by a Bank NOT buy/give/donate...any gifts...just buy a Stamp,and write a note, praising the person concerned. And, state, exactly, how that Bank person helped you. I swear, a Ton of Chocs/Flowers/Wine....means 100% LESS...than a written Note, complimenting a Staff Member, sent to Bank HQ!

Our Bonuses...are dependent...on 95% Customer Service Satisfaction.

Basically, donate your money/gifts to Charity, but, WRITE to the Bank, and let the Bank know, how well, you feel about the service, given by
the Staff Member.
Just write, if you get the service you deserve, and write, if you don't get the service, you deserve.

Anne Marie
Lads,if you have any genuine problems with the Major Irish Banks, believe me, complain loudly at Customer Care Desk, or call their Customer Care Line,and they WILL be investigated!!!! NEVER think...that your un-worthy!!!! I can assure you...EVERY complaint/ looked into. Complaints are LOGGED.
Ya right! Had a few things to get ironed out about 2 years ago with an employee of one of our Major banks, done what you said and where did my complaint go? it ended up back with the person I was complaining about to sort out,I then complained about that and the same person gave me a mouthful over that complaint, I since closed account and went to a descent small bank where you are a bit more than a number,I hope it lasts,
I complained to BOI about 2 screw-ups made by their staff this year and was very impressed with their response. Within an hour I had calls from a very couteous man from the Customer Care helpline and the local Customer Care lady from the local branch. They rectified issues immediately and gave me a Eur 100 voucher for my troubles.
Thanks for your post Anne Marie; it was very informative. May I gently point out that more sensible use of punctuation would make it much more readable.

I get customers...who drop in flowers,wine, chocs....All sorts, because they are grateful.

Please, I do get them, but, the Bank frowns on these things, and really, these gifts embarrass me.

Simple solution: try and make sure your manager doesn't see the gift.

Yes, a letter of praise is probably more ideal but a gift is better than nothing.
What about the poorly paid people who do their jobs in shops for example....if they do their jobs well ...and are courteous etc they get a gift ? Or a tip like staff in restaurants expect ?
What about the poorly paid people who do their jobs in shops for example....if they do their jobs well ...and are courteous etc they get a gift ? Or a tip like staff in restaurants expect ?

Is there a prize for knowing the answers?