Many Tks for interesting and informative contributions -and for PM recommendation for a liquidator.I'll contact him.
In summary it seems from the above advice and my own research.....
1. The voluntary strike off is a great and cheap method - if one has nothing in ,owed by or to the company. One can DIY via or use a company like who for a few hundred do all the ads and paperwork.
As I have assets, (albeit just one - cash) this method seems no good.
2. could reduce share capital to zilch but the hassle and cost of going thru H.Court etc wouldn't be worth it.
3. could buy-back my shares which is permitted in various circumstances and regulations for private llc's . Still some cost, paperwork ,hassle and delay in getting approval, but worth pursuing, depending on cost of the "proper" method (4.....
4. Back to square -one which at the end of the day may be the most hassle-free:_
do the final accounts (with or without auditors ) and get a liquidator.
I gather ,and this is understandable , a liquidator would be happier ( and hopefully cheaper) if he sees accounts were done by reputable auditor.
So it's a question of providing a clean tidy set of accounts, throw in indemnification to the liquidator, who will say " you are such an honest businessman who has done everything correctly and honestly for thirty years - you must be mentally deranged, so I'll do this for nothing"