Company Trading Name




I am in the process of starting a company, and wish to register the new company name as BioTek Automation Solutions Ltd.

I would like to trade as BioTek.

So I would like to use the full company name in our address on headed paper, and then refer to the company as BioTek in the document. The document might be a quotation or an invoice.

Do I have to state the fact that the company is "Trading as BioTek" in any written corrospondence?

Does anyone know what the implications of using a trading name are? or where to get further information?

Any help appreciated
You need to go to
[broken link removed]

and read info leaflet No. 7

( check back again on here if you have any other questions )
The simple answer is yes, the business name does need to be disclosed on the letterhead, etc., along with the other info required per CRO leaflet No 7.

Read the leaflet and come back with any queries you may have