Company Outsourcing Advice needed


New Member
There are currently rumours that my department will be outsourced in the future with contractors having been let go recently.

I am due to hand my notice in soon for a new experience abroad. Am I stupid to not wait around for a potential redundancy package? Again these are just rumours I’m just worried I may be making the wrong decision to emigrate when a redundancy could be around the corner.

Any thoughts?
Usually these things take a fair amount of time from rumour to fruition (have gone through it twice). Also, even if your department is outsourced, there is the possibility that your role could be moved to the outsourcer. A lot of variables at play so personally wouldn't be hanging around for something that might not happen.
There's rarely smoke without fire...

In my experience, I've seen organisations leak things like this, well in advance of officially announcing them, to help bring people to the acceptance stage.

I'd sit tight for up to a year, if you think you're redundancy would be worth waiting for, tbh.
There are a number of possible outcomes here
  • You are made redundant as a result of the change
  • You are redeployed within your current employer
  • You move to the new supplier under TUPE
  • You are in scope to move to the new supplier under TUPE but decline the move- you are therefore deemed to have resigned from your current employer
All of these will take time and any change will take months if not longer
Some Irish contractors that worked with me got let go before last Christmas then (one off them told me - you will be next - he was right) I trained Indian staff working in India online - got kept in the dark then my job is at risk and made redundant last month and paid in lieu of notice. It all happened very quick and I thought even when I was finally told it would be June or July at the earliest. Another department they used TUPE.
Only you can decide if it's worth waiting or go now. I wish you well.