Company buys yearly luas/dart ticket


Registered User
Hi, Couldn't find this in a search and hope someone can help.
I'm looking for information where the company I work for buys a yearly dart or luas ticket in my name, then deducts it from my wadge one month and because my wadge is so low I then save on tax deductions.
Has anyone heard about this or know where I can get more information? I know someone who already does this with a Luas ticket and wanted as much information as possible before going to my own employer about it.

Try the CIE or dublin bus websites Lots of companies, both public and private sector, provide this service. Individuals who avail of it don't pay tax or PRSIon the deductions so its cheap and it saves the employer money too , but there are are penalties if you lose your ticket and have to get a replacement. Some info here also;