Commuting from Lusk/Rush


Registered User
Does anyone here commute by car from Lusk or Rush to the city centre each day? How long does it take?

Public transport would not be an option, as car needed for work....

(Roughly) from just outside Rush (skerries side):
35 mins no traffic
45 mins with traffic in summer
55 mins in winter
(Roughly) from just outside Rush (skerries side):
35 mins no traffic
45 mins with traffic in summer
55 mins in winter

This sounds takes me 50 mins to get to DCU in peak hour and a good half an hour off peak. .and am coming from are you getting to town in that time from Rush...helicopter?
Any time I've driven in from Lusk for work, it's taken well over an hour. That's driving through to Hatch street. I think the best I've ever managed was about an hour and ten minutes. That's leaving the house about 8.
Any time I've driven in from Lusk for work, it's taken well over an hour. That's driving through to Hatch street. I think the best I've ever managed was about an hour and ten minutes. That's leaving the house about 8.

Its 20mins from lusk to the airport turn off. You cant depend on the traffic, one day there is so much traffic you could be 40mins just getting to the roundabout to turn onto the M1, other days you could fly in all the way into town in 35/40 mins.

I know you said you need to have a car for work, but the train only takes 30mins.
It's impossibe to compare times, there are too many parameters which people are not disclosing.

The City Centre is a big place. Lusk to the IFSC, is a lot different from Lusk to Leeson Street.

Time of departure, time of the year, weather and route are the main factors.

Very few people are going to disclose a route which they take. I know the route I take from Balbriggan to Dublin 1 in winter is approx 15 minutes quicker at 7am than a route a collegue takes from and to the same area at the same time.

Turnapin Interchange on the M1 to IFSC September to April mon, tuesday and wednesday is around 35 mins, Thursday and Friday is around 25 mins. In wet weather add at least an extra 10 minutes.

Turnapin Interchange on the M1 to IFSC May to August is around 15 minutes.

The N1 from the Port Tunnel southbound to Colins Av hasn't been open in its new incarnation when the traffic has been heavy so it's hard to say what, if any, positive effect this will have on times.
emm...Lusk to the ifsc.
30 mins in the last few weeks.
About 45 mid-winter.
Anything else in between at other times.
Mind you, that's leaving at 7 in the morning.coming home is a different state of affairs..anything up to an hour.But the worst part is getting out of the area around the IFSC.After that it tends to be pretty quick.And that's leaving work about 5.30(I work 8-6ish).Plus i do know all the back roads and change route according to traffic reports.
No way around it really, is there?!!