Communion outfit

I'm aware of that, but as a solution to the story being discussed it's overkill.

Whats overkill about it? I think its a great idea and proper order too - squashing down that nasty sin of vanity while in the church.
I stand corrected that this was a confirmation photo and not communion...the idea that any parents would think it was a good idea to leave their young daughter leave the house looking like this threw me!
I do not like the idea that the Bishop singled out the carriage for special mention when talking about how much effort parents go to for the day - this would only encourage these vulgar displays of wealth. I think it is sending out the wrong message about values and what is really important to children.
Are you serious? What about the 90% of people who wouldn't dream of being so tacky? Another step towards a nanny state...

What has it got to do with the state? For the schools and church to reuqest children wear uniform for the sacraments of communion and confirmation - which normally take place on a school day? There is no involvement of the state. And its already done in a number of schools so it already has precedent.
While a glass drawn carriage looks tacky and the child was not dressed in the traditional (confirmation) sense I don't think anyone here, the school, the catholic church or the state can tell people how to dress or arrive for the confirmation ceremony.
In these days of falling church numbers the catholic church is wary of offending anyone. The child in question (and her family) are members of the settled traveller community and I think the bishop used the photo oppertunity to 'reach out' as it were.
Nothing wrong with that.
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I don't think anyone here, the school, the catholic church or the state can tell people how to dress or arrive for the confirmation ceremony.

I would have thought that the church/priest was quite entitled to tell people how to dress / arrive for a religious ceremony.
And in this case the bishop seems to have been quite happy (given that he posed for the picture etc), so what's the problem?
Well then the Bishop was wrong in my opinion - he should not be sending out the message that its ok for young girls to be dressed in a sexualised manner.
The problem is parents (be they settled travellers or not) dressing their young daughter like an eighteen year old out on the pull on a saturday night in town.
The problem is parents (be they settled travellers or not) dressing their young daughter like an eighteen year old out on the pull on a saturday night in town.

Agreed - but the Bishop aint helping by condoning it.
I would have thought that the church/priest was quite entitled to tell people how to dress / arrive for a religious ceremony.

Perhaps, but the catholic church have realised that if they went down that road then they risk annoying people. So rightly or wrongly they don't want to annoy people anymore.
At least that would be my take on it and perhaps the Bishop's also as he was happy to pose for photo's with the girl, her family, the carriage, the horse and the carriage driver.
Going back to the suggestion about wearing uniforms:this doesn't really work as it is the last month of 2 for the kids in primary school, so chances are the uniforms are at the end of their life span - so parents may feel pressure to go & buy new ones.
I think the robe idea is great as there isn't fashion parade. And if they do get a new outfit it will be probably be one that they will wear again.
The Church has lost courage nowadays and in some places is afraid to state the obvious i.e. appropriate dress for religious occasions. To be fair to the community involved in this case, in our area, they are regular attendees at Sunday Mass and probably would be one group that would actually abide by any guidelines. They bring their children to Mass not just for Communion and Confirmation unlike some of their settled neighbours.
It is a particular gripe of mine that such occasions are ruined by the carry of of the few ,with videoing etc during the confirmation or communion. Usually the most gimmicky carry on and ridiculous outfits is done by those who wont be inside the church again until christenings or wedding.