comms needs - house extension



we currently have the pleasure of builders on site doing a new sun room for us. They are now asking for what and where our power points need to be ...

so before they actually lay the floor and proceed, I want to consider what actual future-proofing might be in order now so that we can easily upgrade and avail of new/future technology without digging up, or trailing unsightly cables around the new room.

So under the floor, I'm thinking to ask them to lay
* phone cable
* cable TV cable
* cable for connection to stereo/speakers

and terminate these with two wee 'blanking panels' of some description, so that if in the near future we decide how we want to have our equipment located - be it in the new sun room or in the existing house - we can easily plug in the relevant aspects and away we go ?

Assume I would go diagonally across the floor, from the corner nearest the current position of the Stereo.

Are there other considerations worth taking on board before they lay the floor - other cables ? coax ? I'm not convinced so far of the case for wireless connectivity in terms of performance - but this solution gives me a fall-back position anyhow.

Have any readers done something like this in the past ?
Does this make sense ?
What do i need to mention to the builders ?
All ideas welcomed ?

I'm not convinced so far of the case for wireless connectivity in terms of performance

Why not? Works fine for me even with both 802.11g WiFi and wireless video senders in the same house (albeit the former on channel 11 and the latter on channel A in an attempt to avoid interference). Even if 54Mbps is the nominal and not actual throughput and you may get lower raw throughput in most cases it's more than enough. Remember that many people are still using 10Mbps wired network gear and don't experience major throughput problems.

Ask the builders to put in plenty of ducts,that would give free choice when you know what you want.
Re: comms-needs

Hi heinbloed1

I'm okay with the idea of ducts or blanking panels as i put in the original posting, but its what to put in the duct that has me scratching my head ?

I've just had a thought .... is it possible / feasible to install some level of a 'pipe' between the two diagonal ducts, and even leave empty now; with a view to actually adding cables as and when i need them in the future by somehow threading them through the pipe. [ Possibly some level of string to bring the future cables through the pipe ]

These builders have my head wrecked!
