Committing a traffic offence


Registered User
I've posted here before about commuting into the city centre from Blanchardstown. Driving's not really an option, and the bus can take forever. No parking at any nearby station (Castleknock) but too far to walk. Buses don't go near the station. Therefore I use a variety of means.

Today I'd been off work last week sick and it was cold so I decided to drive. On spec, saw that there was a space on Roselawn Road near Castleknock Station. I happen to know that the house is rented and there is no car belonging to the house so it's a prized spot for commuters. Normally wouldn't park there but it's a free road (I think there was a vote at Fingal Co Council against yellow lines recently and don't get me started on the difficulties of using the new Phoenix Park station) so dropped the car. Parked legally, not blocking anything, tax paid etc.

When I got home (having missed the train and got a taxi - another story), there was a flimsy note on the car stating I was committing an offence and a garda fixed penalty note would issue. Honestly couldn't see how I was committing an offence. Called into the gardai on the way home and they had no record as yet on the computer but this was up to a 100 euro fine. Could this be a hoax by a neighbour (the note looks like a photocopy) and if not what reason/evidence would the guards have to do this. If I did something wrong I'll pay for it but I can't see what it is!
Sounds like a ploy by the neighbours. The Gardai have no reason to give you advance notice of a fine.

As someone who lives in an area that is similarly infested by all-day parkers, I can understand the residents' frustration and the lengths they might go to to retain the area as a residential resource.
I do appreciate but these are houses with large driveways for their own cars. There's absolutely no parking near the station; I wouldn't even mind paying if there was secure safe parking. However getting the train for 20 mnutes into town rather than a bus for what can often be an hour and a half means I'll take my chances.
Doesn't sound official. But I don't understand why you don't cycle to it. How did you plan on getting to town when you moved there? Theres a few buses that pass that station.
Cycle? I wear suits and heels to work. Can't see me mastering the bike. Anyway I'm just back to work after being off sick for a week, I wouldn't have had the energy. It's not like we even have showers in work etc. and it's important to me to look professional and well groomed in my jb.

I'm from Blanchardstown originally and I used to walk to Coolmine from my parents. It's not as if it's an option to drive there as for anyone who knows the area it means hitting rush hour traffic twice. Also had parking in previous job. Have a brand new car and I like driving.

The 38 does pass the station, but I'd rather get a 38A straight into town if getting the bus.

Anyway I only take the car on really bad days, I do get the bus. My main enquiry was about this mythical ticket and the complete lack of infrastructure for what is the easiest way of me getting to work. Full of sympathy for Leo Varadkar on Questions and Answers at the moment.
If you're expecting the residents to understand why you (and presumably others) should be welcomed into their estates to park all day you may have your work cut out.

While people have driveways for personal use, they may also occasionally invite vistors or, horror of horrors, order furniture, need a plumber or have some other reason for which street parking may be an occasional requirement.

On the other hand, if they were aware that you needed to wear heels to work, I'm sure they'd be happy enough to forego their selfish wants for the cause of your professionalism. Have you considered a mailshot?
If you're expecting the residents to understand why you (and presumably others) should be welcomed into their estates to park all day you may have your work cut out.
As OP's car is taxed etc. and legal to be driven or parked on public roads, I fail to understand your apparent ire at her parking on a public road.

The real problem is the so called professional planners we pay for who can't get the bits of what passes for a public transport system to join up and can't plan for adequate parking or other infrastructural needs to facilitate our growing community of ordinary working stiffs who must commute to work.
No way of knowing about the ticket, doesn't sound official. If it is, you'll find out in time, why worry about it.

I just don't get why you would live somewhere where you know there isn't asy transport to work. Doesn't make sense to move somewhere with no transport links and then complain it has no transport links.
On spec, saw that there was a space on Roselawn Road near Castleknock Station. I happen to know that the house is rented and there is no car belonging to the house so it's a prized spot for commuters.
I do appreciate but these are houses with large driveways for their own cars.
Any chance that you were committing an parking offence by parking across the driveway entrance of the rented house? Regardless of whether the ticket in question is genuine or not...
Perfectly legally parked. (or so I thought). Certainly not across driveways/on pavements etc. Space for two cars outside (and as it's an end one a few car spaces which are genuinely not outside anything), and space for three cars in the driveway.

And where, by the way, should I live - that it has these mythical transport links? I don't really want a city centre apartment nor am I living miles out. Personal choice - I don't want to cycle. Apart from the comment re the heels, I also have three slipped discs in my back and I can't strain it.

Living where I'm from and where I know is actually a fairly good compromise. 20 minutes by train to Tara St isn't bad if there was someway to ACTUALLY get there and leave my car etc. I'm not complaining about the links per se, I'm complaining about not being able to ACCESS them. Applying your logic, by the same virtue these people should not have bought houses near a train station with no parking. This issue on thiis road was actually voted on at Fingal County Council and thought not to be a major issue or irritant.

And it's max one day a week. I generally do take the bus. As I mentioned I have been off work sick, still not feeling well and at 7am this morning and below zero I didn't want to risk a repeat of my chest infection.

Last week, I did try to get the train from Phoenix Park (which has a pay car park). Unfortunately it was not working and the Irish Rail person was worse than hopeless. The only advice given was to wait until the car park management company opened later in the day. That's some excuse for being late for work.

Yes, it would be great if we could all work from home, work outside the city centre, work staggered hours, maintain multiple residences....

The other more fundamental thing about some people's attitudes - presumably the website has many different topic areas because people can discuss many different topics which add up to things they have both positive and negative views on. Whereas work and the resulting commute is an irritant to me, I could just as easily exclaim over my garden in Homes and Gardens (to which your answer to not having one in a town apartment would be that I should have bought a house with a garden) or how lucky I am to know the area I live in in Location Location Location and am not isolated if that was my complaint! Yes I could bring a mattress into my office and not buy anywhere but that could be rather limiting!

My point was to see if anyone knew regarding the validity of otherwise of this notice. I think I've convinced myself that its a fake - there's a date, time, and a number of a garda (which the gardai didn't recognise), a space for the offence but not filled in. I'll phone tomorrow and double-check.
20 mins on the hogwarts express. Then you have the journey time to and from the station and the time waiting for the train. 20mins I don't think so. I think its like 35/40 on the timetable. Its been like this for many years, no parking, and buses taking hours. You know this having lived in the area for years. If the bus takes too long, and you need to take the train but there no parking. It makes no sense to live where you don't have easy access to the train but do have access to the bus.

You posted the story, I'm just commenting on it, because its there. You only needed to post about the note.
20 minutes to docklands. if to tara st can leave at 8.10 and be in work at 8.45
And I bought the house when I had a car parking space! Don't really want to have to move to Ongar or Laurel Lodge for the train every day.
You could park in Blanchardstown Village, you could park at the church (free), hospital (free), Roselawn shopping centre..
20 minutes to docklands. if to tara st can leave at 8.10 and be in work at 8.45
And I bought the house when I had a car parking space! Don't really want to have to move to Ongar or Laurel Lodge for the train every day.

The docklands train doesn't go to tara st station. You'd have to walk from the dockland train to tara street. You also have to drive to the train station and get parking in an estate. Generally you have to get to the station 5 mins before hand, and the trains are not always on time. All in 20 mins?

You've already said theres no parking at the station. Theres never been parking at the station. Only in coolmine is there parking and thats full before 7am. Been like that for year.

I'm a commuter from the same area myself. I know the problems and the over development for profit that has left the area in a heap. So I'm completely unsympathtic. But having chosen to live where there isn't easy access to the train. It just seems a bit rich to be complaining about a situation you've put in place yourself.
Incidentally are heels and slipped disc a good mix? I had to stop wearing heels to work. The wife didn't like it at all.
Roselawn has clamping notices. May as well park at the parents again (again on the road so don't see what that is any better).

My job is halfway between Tara St and Docklands so take what I can get. Either better than the drive this am - 90 minutes and 27 euro in the Irish Life Centre

And my discs are such a way that high heels actually help. Strange but true, verified by MRI.