commercial vehicle tax vs passanger vehicle tax



I am looking to buy a passanger jeep from the UK and regester it as a commercial due to the cost of road tax and vrt,I know some lads who have done this in the past but say the revenue clamped down on it.
One of them said to me if I buy a passenger Toyota Surf for example and get a bulkhead fitted behind the rear seats that this in turn puts the jeep in the same class as a crew cab jeep making it eligible for commerical tax...

Does anyone know if this is true or know someone who has done this?

If you dont remove the seats you cant tax it as a commercial vehicle.

And if you choose to insure it as a commercial without removing the seats your insurance in the event of an accident may be void.

Post crossed with Petermack
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Thanks for your replies, Like I was saying you leave all the seats in but because you get a bulk head its classed as a crewcab like a Mitsubishi L200...
