Commercial Rates and Vacancy Credits

Brendan Burgess

If a company reduces its staff but still has a lease on a large office, can it get a reduction in the commercial rates it pays?
As far as I know, once a business is trading at a premises it pays the full commercial rates, in order for no rates to be paid the premises must be vacant and for sale or let.
If you can identify an area of space within office/ factory etc that is not being used, but which the over rates bill covers, then it may be possible to get a reduction. This is on an 'adhoc' basis with Council- best if this area if a total floor or area that can be lockedf off- usually you will have to agree with Revenue Collector from Council, and they may check back periodically to see that area in question is not being used.
As far as I know, once a business is trading at a premises it pays the full commercial rates, in order for no rates to be paid the premises must be vacant and for sale or let.

You have to provide the local authority with proof that the property was being actively marketed for the period that you're claiming a reduction of rates. They will look for details of advertisements placed, signage on the property and a letter from the marketing agent stating the duration of the marketing period.

The reduction isn't time limited afaik. So long as the property isn't occupied/semi-occupied but actively advertising for a tenant/purchaser you can request the reduction.

As an aside; it makes sense for many empty business premises to be advertised for years on end. The cost of advertising a property & employing an estate agent would be far less than the cost of paying Local Authority rates. For the price of a few newspaper advertisements and a new sign every year the developer gets off scot free........