Collection of debt



Hi my partner has a registered limited company in the construction industry. He is owed a serious amount of money in four and five figure sums. I am wondering what is the best way to attempt to collect this debt. Any advice would be appreciated as I am at my wits end with this company

Lots of folk with that problem too!

What have you done so far? Letters written, threats of legal etc?
Are the invoices for supply of services or equipment/material? (can you reclaim equipment - "the items remain the property of the vendor until all monies received etc.")
The invoices are for the both supply of a service and material. The company constructed farm buildings under the farm waste management grant scheme. I have phoned the individuals and called to the house of one that owed 9000. I was told that when the government pay the grant I would receive the money owed. I got 1000 that day. The problem is my partner seems to bury his head in the sand and as I deal with the books it annoys me.
I contacted the dept of agric in relation to one job and was told there was nothing they could do even though the farmer claimed falsely for concrete work he said was done by local labour when in fact it was completed by my partners company of which we have delivery dockets to prove.
I have not gone the legal route as I feel even if a judge makes a ruling for payment to be made often the payment never happens and we would be left with more expense.
Unfortunatly you are in the same position that alot of people including myself find ourselves in .I have tried endless ways to collect bad debts and even pleaded with revenue to see if they would write to these people ,but like every gov department they are not interested in your problems they just want the vat they are owed even though the money you are owed would pay same(vicious circle).do what i intend to do and forward complete list of bad debtors to revenue and state the above argument.If enough people start to do this surely they will have to take notice and hopefully action.
On one demand letter which the company received from revenue it stated that if payment wasnt made there was three options open to them one of which was collection of moneys owed from third parties. My partner used this as a threat in collecting this week and received 2000 from one person who was owing 8000, at least its a start. The rev is a law onto themselves.I have tried to get money back that was over paid to rev in 01 and 02 but they say once its outside four years you cannot claim however they can go back on you for ten years for taxex unpaid, how fair is that!