Collection Agency - Question



Hello, I wondered if you could advice me.

I had a CC at 1900€, and since Jan have paid 200€ each month to the above collection company.
My credit card balance is available online and to date is showing a balance of 1300€ even though my records show I have paid each month and that the amount should be around the 500€ mark.

I made contact twice with the agency and they told me they would get back to me, they are obviously receiving my DD every month as I have not had any threatening letters from them.

When the DD was initially set up, there was digits missing, so in Jan and Feb they rang me to say they received the amount but that it was in a 'holding' account with them until I set up the correct DD which I did.

I am quite annoyed as they would be the first to communicate with me if I was missing payments, I havent and and am 100% certain that my balance shouldnt be still at the €1300 mark. (only 3 months paid to them by their books!)

All advice very welcome, thank you.
just to add that i contacted my bank and they passed the buck and told me its the agencys issue. funny how my banking credit card still appears on my online statement yet they couldn't help.
What months payments show up on the online statement?What have the collection agency said?
out of seven months three. they tend to pick and choose when the two hundred comes off. they're way way off. i have statements showing each two hundred going to them. the agency say they will lookin into it.three times now.beyond joke.
Hi gmck25
As my name says binterdontat, i suggest you write a letter (and make a copy and register it) itemize every payment you have made dates amounts etc along with any copy of correspondence you may have had already between either yourself or themselves insist on a full balance in black and white immediately or all payments will cease completely. I would even go as far as sending a copy to the financial regulator if there is no resolve and let them know thats your intention. Its one thing if someone is not paying but when you are its a different ballgame completely stand your ground.
If I were you I would stop paying the dca once your payments have reappeared. Try putting €1 payment to your credit card and if the balance updates properly then pay it off through that function.

If it is obvious to the dca that they are going to get no more from you they will go away, no court in the land can touch you if you are making your payments through the banks' established channels and you deny these parasites their blood money.