Collecting deeds when my AIB mortgage is cleared.

Apologies if this is a silly question but would the deeds for a house always be with your mortgage lender. ??? Its something that is on my mind as I will be planning to settle up with my mortgage in the next 2-3months (redeeming due to redundancy payment) Also do you need a solicitor involved when fully settling the mortgage loan.

Any advice welcomed
Apologies if this is a silly question but would the deeds for a house always be with your mortgage lender. ???
The mortgage lender will normally hold onto the deeds while the loan is outstanding.
Also do you need a solicitor involved when fully settling the mortgage loan.

Usually the lender will arrange for their interest in the property to be removed from the deeds when the loan is cleared. They will probably charge a small fee for this. It used to be possible to do this yourself to avoid the charge (I did it myself when I cleared my loan in the early 2000s) so I presume that this is still possible?

There are probably existing threads on Askaboutmoney dealing with these issues.
Little update from me. AIB sent a badly worded letter that stated that I had cancelled my direct debit and that the onus was now on me to ensure any payments be made by standing order. I suspected this DD cancellation was automatically triggered by the mortgage being cleared with my last DD at the end of January. I called them this morning to be absolutely sure there is no outstanding balance and they confirmed the above and that the balance is in fact zero.

The nice lady then asked me what I wanted to do with the deeds. I was given two options:
1) Send them to a solicitor.
2) Send them to a nominated AIB branch for collection in person by me only.

My old solicitor in Ireland has retired and I don't fancy paying a new one to handle this for me so I asked could I nominate a relative to collect in branch but this was refused. As I live abroad I will need to return home for a couple of days to take care of it personally but ok. It doesn't happen that often and I can see the family anyway. She also told me it is currently taking approximately 8 to 10 weeks for the deeds to make their way from the archive (not sure if this is specific to mortgages that have moved from UB as mine did or if it applies generally to AIB mortgages) to the nominated branch and that I should receive a phone call from the branch when they are ready for collection. I'll book some cheap flights once I get that call.

I guess I need to then have the bank removed as a charge on the deeds but one thing at a time.
I don't fancy paying a new one to handle this for me

I am sure that a friendly solicitor would act as a post box for you. And then you could arrange with them for a relative to collect them.

Ask your retired solicitor to suggest someone if you don't know anyone.
Ah my family isn't that bad Brendan And as well as the deeds I can fill the suitcase with rashers and sausages again