Collapse of the Dr. Carmody trial: Will the IT and IE pay?



Because of contempt of court by The Irish Times and other papers the trial of Dr Carmody has ended after five weeks.

Is the taxpayer to be liable foa the costs of the retrial or will the Courts stand up to the media and make them pay.

Of course the Supreme Court have already left the Irish Times away with contempt of the Mahon Tribunal including burning documents so I wouldn't be too hopeful.

If the trial had collapsed because of the Guards fault or the DPPs we would never hear the end of it from The Irish Times.

Surely someone must get the boot for this
I think you will have to await the Judges decision in the matter and judging by his comments i would expect a heavy penaltly which the papers Insurance will have to pay unless appealed successfully.
What was the IT trying to do? Pull in more readership? It beats me - what the management were up to. The last reckless throw of the dice before scuppering the sinking ship? Maybe.