coffee shop raheny?


Registered User
are there any nice cafes or family friendly pubs in Raheny? Was checking out the area and didn't know where to go. There seemed to be a River Cafe behind the shopping centre but it was closed.
Surprised it was closed....The River Cafe is always fairly buzzing when I've been in - its a lovely little coffee shop that seems to do a roaring trade....seem to do breakfast/lunch - paninis/wraps/quiche etc... and loads of homemade (looking!) cakes and biscuits etc....
Has qtr bottles of wine too....

Wonder why it was closed?
The River Cafe is a nice spot, Im also surprised it was closed. Im not too sure of the pubs so unfortunatly I cant help you there.
River Cafe is open from 7.30am as far as i know. Not sure what time it closes at.

Pub wise the Station House and the Watermill do good food as far as I know.

There is also a new Italian restaurant where the hardware shop used to be and it does lunches.
Must do...very strange!

Just to second the vote on the Watermill....I know its a pub but the upstairs is more about food than drink and its nice and bright more like a comfy coffee shop during the day...