Cobh - good place to live or not?


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I have noticed on various property websites that there is a lot of property for sale in Cobh. Since Cobh is within reasonable commuting distance for Cork city and also has a rail link, I wonder what your views are on purchasing a property and living there? Everytime I ask for a view from friends in Cork, I am always told that Cobh is "rough" and it is "not a good idea" to purchase property there. I know that this may/may not have been true in the past but is this still the case? I would be interested to hear from people who live there and/or recent property purchasers in the area.

Many thanks for your comments.
my 2 cents,
the native corkonians have considered Passage and Cobh as "rough" because of the naval traditions and the trouble caused when ships dockand a fwe 100 peoplel go drinking. I haven't ever heard of this trouble but I too was told steer clear on that account. Cobh however has not come on regarding restaurants etc where as I think Passage would be more properly developed. The house prices in Cobh for a long time made them good value and if you work in the city centre it seems like a no brainer that its great value. If you like it go for it but definately go look around the area and see whats to do there on a inters evening first.
still considered rough - know people living there that can't wait to move. Carrigaline or passage would be a better option
I worked there for about a year. Made some good pals but going on the stories I heard from them, I would consider it rough. If you are driving in and out it will take you longer than you think.Only one way in and one way out - constant streams of traffic leaving there in the mornings and returning in the evenings. Depending on where you work the ferry or train may be an option.
I live in Cobh and grew up in Cobh. It has a pretty bad reputation and while there is definitely a fair few dodgy characters around they have no impact on my life so I don't take any notice of them. the town is improving with regard to facilities - more shops etc and a new leisure centre. i love living by the sea and there are places to go swimming and fishing nearby. my gf isn't from cobh and she says cobh people are clannish but apart from that she likes living here.
I've a lot of friends iving in Cobh, many of them from elsewhere, and all of them love it. Very handy if you plan on using the train to Cork, but the service can be unreliable.
head down there in the pourin rain like we did a few months ago, if you can find a pub that isn't scary or a hotel that doesn't smell of old cooking oil you've found a part of cobh we didn't.
I would not recommend livingg in Cobh. I had also heard it was rough and was warned not to purchase in Cobh, but I just presumed it wouldnt effect me and that most towns these days are considered rough anyway....WRONG. It did effect me big time, to be honest living in Cobh was one of the worst experiences of my life. It is extremely rough and intimidating living here - and I didnt even socialise in the town!

I have learned a valuable lesson though, which is to throughly research areas before you purchase - including driving down on saturday nights and sitting in your car and seeing what kind of activities go on.
I've a lot of friends iving in Cobh, many of them from elsewhere, and all of them love it. Very handy if you plan on using the train to Cork, but the service can be unreliable.

Why is it unreliable?

What's the fare from Cork to Cobh also?