

Registered User
Does anyone have a telephone number for Driveways Direct. They have been recommended to me by somebody who had a very good job done by them a couple of years ago but who has, unfortunately, lost their phone number.
Rudolph said:
Does anyone have a telephone number for Driveways Direct. They have been recommended to me by somebody who had a very good job done by them a couple of years ago but who has, unfortunately, lost their phone number.

[broken link removed]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Driveways Direct [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]01 8084456[/FONT]

Good Luck ;)
Does anyone know what to do with old cobblelock that keeps sprouting weeds? I'm not lazy - I've cleared out all the excess grit and dirt, washed it and can't seem to stop it sprouting every week. I've heard about resealing cobblelock but am not sure what this involves or the expense. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi Drew,

Welcome to the club :D When you have finished yours will you come over and sort out ours.

I think this problem has been mentioned many times on AAM and a read thru these previous threads might give some advice. AFAIK you need to seal between the blocks with silca sand.

A read thru might help also.
Drew said:
Does anyone know what to do with old cobblelock that keeps sprouting weeds? I'm not lazy - I've cleared out all the excess grit and dirt, washed it and can't seem to stop it sprouting every week. I've heard about resealing cobblelock but am not sure what this involves or the expense. Any advice would be appreciated.

You need to kill the weeds at the root otherwise they will just keep reappearing, Roundup is the best product I've used for this and usually keeps the area weed & moss free you can buy a spray bottle of this and blast them as they appear or you can buy a packet of granules that need to be diluted and poured over the whole area. I've kept my patio area weed free using just the spray bottle and spraying them as they appear.

Good Luck ;)
Does anyone know if there is any treatment to restore the colour of cobble lock? It's seven years old, started out dark grey, but now looks very faded.

I have the same problem as Drew with weeds - tried Path Clear which works for some people - but ended up scraping the weeds and moss with the edge of a hoe. I think maybe the thing to do is to spray the weeds with Round Up (hate that stuff because it kills insects too) and then seal with a liberal sprinkling of patio sand. It's reddish in colour and can be got from Roadstone and they will deliver. Not expensive either.

If I were doing it now I wouldn't get cobble lock at all but would go for those multicoloured stones which look much nicer. There's a lot of useful information in previous posts especially with regard to putting down plenty of hard core under the cobbles. I have areas of sagging which I presume are due to insufficient hard core but will have to live with it!

Something else - using a power washer removes a lot of the sand and this lets the weeds take root. Learned that to my cost when a couple of chancers cleaned mine a year ago. Had never had as many weeds prior to that. The P.W. might have been more powerful than the ones most people use.
try NAD in blakes cross lusk. Ask for 'Pride'. Its got a much stronger AI [active ingredient]. But round up should have done the trick. Ensure you use a calibrated sprayer. dilution rate 1:100 approx. the problem could be the non-agitation of the chemical. pour in the water half way - fill in chemical - and fill in rest of water.

The other point to note is that the AI in roundup is based on - forming a distortion in the growth cells of the plant. As growing point for plants is approx 12-14 degrees C - this may not have taken affect with recent temperatures and it would need that constant over a 7-10 days approx.
It needs also 3 hours dryness.
Lastly ensure you have 2/3 true leaves on each of the weeds for it to take full effect/ to be induced into the plant.
As it is a translocated/ systemic herbicide it needs to be taken in through the leaves so you must ensure that it [is a mist rather than by water can where the moisture will run straight off - a mist will wet and stick to] cover all of the leaves as fine as possible.
