Threatening to impose a levy on Banks is futile as there is no co relation between it and reduction in SVRs. What is the Government going to do? Ringfence it and set up another quango to administer it to all SVR holders? Imagine how that would work ! And it would be the only FAIR way .....
Futures & Brendan, Of course those who don't engage or won't pay should not have the advantage of remaining in their current home.
Those in difficulty other than above should consider down sizing or moving but because of their arrears have a dented ICB report so are not in a position to acquire a smaller home/mortgage. There are houses for sale for small money in various parts of the country but, after selling mortgage arrears house, there is no chance of acquiring a loan to buy any home, anywhere. Renting is the only answer for these people.
Threatening repossession should not be "the solution" for those who are paying towards their mortgage ---even if it is not the full amount. Banks should be much more innovative in finding workable solutions particularly where there is age advantage. Put a new contract in place for ,say, 10 yrs at reduced repayment rate, review, increase repayments in line with by then, hopefully increased income, review again etc....up to 30 yr period. If terms are not adhered to, part of the contract be that house has to be redeem mortgage. Too simplistic ?.. But reaching targets is the aim. For older mortgagees, like myself, the holder will probably be gone before the mortgage is.