Co Limerick Percolation Test T value was greater than 90. Soil is gley. Suggestions?


Registered User
Recently got a percolation test done on a half acre site, the result was not good; T value was greater than 90. Soil is gley. Area is Limerick County. Any suggestions/solutions?
Re: Percolation Test

Im not able to help but Ive heard that Co Limerick is the toughest co in Ireland when it comes to septic tank effluent and percolation tests.
Bad time of year for test. may have to wait for summer for soil condition to lmprove. Also they do not give permission for septic tanks in limerick county, you'll have to fit a bio-cycle no matter what.
Looking to get a Percolation Test done in Co. Limerick also. Could you recommend someone please and how much does it cost ?
Re: Co Limerick Percolation Test T value was greater than 90. Soil is gley. Suggestio

Thanks DavyJones for your comments. We did the test recently there after a month or so of very little or no rain. Been looking into bio-cycle since the result, I know they have a system that mists water up into the air, does anyone know if Limerick County Council have accepted these in the past? What kind of bio-cycles have Limerick County Council accepted in the past?
Littlemo - There is a list of approved site assessors on LCC website (hope the link works !!)
Expect to pay anything between €800 - €1100 plus cost to excavate the test holes. There's probably around a 4 week wait with most assessors.

Hi Brendan,

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if your T-Value is in excess of 90 then you are in trouble. It doesn't really matter what treatment system you use even with a raised bed percolation area. The council will refuse you planning because the raised bed will cause ponding on the surface of your site. The trial hole is the important one when it comes to the test. It gives the soil profile of the site and gives the assessor a good indication to what value (P & T) the site will have even before they start the tests. Clay has very poor percolation qualities. Have you much topsoil over the clay ??
gley soil is an indicator of poor drainage. A T value of 90, whist a fail, is not the worst.......

i would be sceptical whether waiting till better weather is going to make a huge difference..... the soil type will not change in that time......

perhaps organise to dig a few trial holes around the site and find more gravely / clay soil type... then do the test there....

was there a high water table??