Clothes/textile recycling


Registered User
I was wondering where you can recycle old worn clothes? By old clothes, I mean clothes not suitable for giving to a charity shop etc. to wear. These clothes are only fit for recycling for their material.
I'm confused as to whether Council recycling banks take these or not or are they only looking for good quality clothes?
Thanks for any help.
As far as I know the council recycling centres are for clothes that need to be recycled.
I want to get rid of some old clothes too and I don't know how to go about it.

I'm pretty sure that the Dublin City Coucil clothes bins are for garments which can be reused and not recycled.

Unless anyone out there wants a load of saggy old socks and knickers with no elastic. No? I didn't think so.
sounds like you re talking about mechanics rags

:D Maybe you could visit the local garages....maybe not, you might give the wrong impression walking in with knickers in hand!:eek:

The recycling centre in Ringsend, Dublin has a clothes to be reused section and one for recycling.