Closing Halifax UK Account from Ireland


Registered User

I opened a Halifax bank account in the UK around 2001 with an ex. When returning to Ireland in 2003 I gave them a forwarding addressing. I kept the account open in case I was to return to the UK.

After a couple of years I decided I wasnt going back and rang/wrote to Halifax to close the account. They didnt, maybe because it was a joint account?

The address I gave as the forwarding address still receive correspondence from Halifax, even though it has been over 10 year since the account had any activity!

So anyone know how I might go about getting this sorted?


I had a similar issue, The Halifax is trying to upgrade a really poor level of service over the last few years. I have a contact for you. Gavin Yule, 01422 868 642 extn 1581685.

In the first instance you need to give them written authority to cancel your account. Put all your details in writing to him at the below address and he will sort it out. Let him ring you if necessary as it's costly the other way around.

PO Box 548

If after a few weeks you have heard nothing, send it all again advising that you will forward the details to the financial ombudsman, even though you are only trying to cancel your part of the account. It will be turned around in a week.