Closing company, owing Revenue, etc.



Dear All

I know there are some similar posts but just wondering if anyone could give me their take on our situation:

Limited company, have ceased trading as of beginning of March 09.

Revenue only creditor, owe approx €80k, did owe €140k in March 07 but through agreement paid off difference in the interim and kept uo to date.

Ceased trading as soon as couldn't meet liabilities, would have been able to continue meeting liabilities until downturn.

Have written to the revenue 4 weeks ago to advise of situation, providing trading history of previous 3 months and bank statements. Have had no response yet.

Will revenue appoint liquidator and should I hear back from them shortly?

How likely are they to pursue (opinion)?

IS there anything else I should do to "close" company?

Any advice appreciated.
Just advised to cease training and write to the revenue