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I'm considering buying property (to live in) in Clondalkin. There seems to be some really good value out there at the moment. Is there any areas I should not be looking at? So far houses in Collinstown Grove and Glenfield Avenue have caught my eye.

I live close enough to the estates you mentioned (Wheatfield) and I haven't had any trouble in regard to theft / break-in's / vandalism. There is a high Scanger ratio to be sure but the majority of people are ok. The litter is pretty disgusting though.
As areas in Clondalkin go, these would not be two of the better areas. Try to stay as far away as possible from North Clondalkin.

Knew somebody who lived in Wheatfield, but had to leave, when someone was stabbed outside their house.
As areas in Clondalkin go, these would not be two of the better areas. Try to stay as far away as possible from North Clondalkin.

Knew somebody who lived in Wheatfield, but had to leave, when someone was stabbed outside their house.

Charming, as I said I have not experienced any problems, just your average working class estate.....maybe the perpetrator moved to Kildare with the rest of the 'flee Dublin for middle class bliss Diaspora'
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I dont mean to offend anyone, but sometimes its hard to post on location, location and give an honest objective post without doing so. As someone who was born, went to school, and lived in Clondalkin (working class ex council estate) for over 30 years, know all of these areas extremely well. My parents still live there.

Like it or not, the fact is, the north clondalkin area would not be considered among the better areas of Clondalkin. Ask an Auctioneer for an honest opinion.

Nobody is saying that there is not good people within these areas. There is. But would I buy there. To rent, perhaps, (there is a fair amount of EHB tenants, so good rentals) to live, no. There are other choices for relatively the same budget. You just need to know where to look.

Good Luck with the search.
I would agree with above. North Clondalkin is quite a rough area. Not a place I'd like to live in.
What about Woodford, Woodford Lawns off the hill there? Is it alright, saw a property there, but the adjoining neighbours houses both looked rented and frankly a bit knackered - letter box flaps pulled off, gardens unkempt. Turned it down because the bus I need for work is a bit random and the walk to the Luas counters out any time saving for me. Wrong decision?
My partner lived there for 20 years and says you should not go past the canal, stay the village side of the canal.
If you go to 'Kilgallan Auctioneers' you should get good advice as he is an honest broker (so Mr.L says...)
I dont agree with that. Cappaghmore is over the canal bridge and would be considered one of the better estates within Clondalkin as a whole.
Depends on how much you can afford to spend and what type of property you're looking for. eg. 2 beds, 3, or more? consider apartments or houses only. What bus is it you need?

If you give some more details, people who know Clondalkin well might be able to recommend areas in your price range - as usual you'll have to balance size of property and the location.