Clocking in / Time sheet

I believe the device we use may be installed in portlaoise by a different company?
Was this the system that was put into Mountjoy, but then couldn't be used by all the staff?

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Not to sure i know our device doesnt take fingerprints only an image of your hand, and it also has some sort of disability setting?
Ye Patftreares

We had the same issue with a different company timeplus (i think) and we knock that on the head and the guys in timeworks took over the unit and added the software.

Havnt looked back since.
it was timeworks and the guys name was Gerry, installed in our factory
Done both and have to say clocking in is the fairest as the boss has a record of your attendance and a visible record of your hours worked.
People used to leave early with no clocking in our place of work and it was all too easy for a boss to accuse everyone of it without proof otherwise.
Every so often a clampdown would occur with the supes chasing around hunting people down 15 minutes before end of shift and catching people leaving early etc.
Some amusing scenes in the carpark etc.......
Some years ago I remember a story concerning a large meat factory taken over by a larger Irish company.
The new director set up a table near the clocking machine and spot-checked anyone foolish enough to clock in for some one else.
All were immediately fired.
Another case I heard of was where video evidence was used to show that the same people who came in late also left early, usually the ones who didn't have to clock in.
New requirements should sort out the short-timers from the on-timers in our workplaces from now on.
The new director set up a table near the clocking machine and spot-checked anyone foolish enough to clock in for some one else.
All were immediately fired.
Did he end up with any unfair dismissal claims? Not defending such "personation" but I presume that there are employment law procedures that must be followed (e.g. verbal/written warnings etc.) rather than summary dismissal being allowed?
Did he end up with any unfair dismissal claims? Not defending such "personation" but I presume that there are employment law procedures that must be followed (e.g. verbal/written warnings etc.) rather than summary dismissal being allowed?

I would think if some one was clocking someone else in that is instant dismassal. That would be in written contract in most business.... instant dismassal... no need for verbal/written.