clocked car



I traded my car in on friday and made a deal with a dealer in good faith. i got a phone call on friday from him to say the clutch was going in it, so i agreed to give him the price of the clutch. I then got a phone call this morning to say he checked the car out and found the milage was tampered with in 2005, i bought the car in 2006 and knew nothing of this.he is now looking for more money from me, i done the deal on friday signed owner documents and have my new car on the street. what do i do stand my ground as deal was done and closed.
If he drove your car before the deal was done he did the deal on that basis. ?Therefore you should not have agreed to giving him money for the clutch. Regarding the mileage and if you are certain about that you knew nothing then he can take the matter up with the previous owner. This appears to be a dealer who is trying to extract money under false pretence.
thanks for reply, he did not drive the car before the deal but i knew there was a problem with clutch and felt the honest thing to do was pay him price of the clutch. but the milage problem i knew nothing about. was thinking of telling him tomorrow i wont be giving him any more money as deal was done and i will be seeking legal advice. i was so shocked after phone call today that was going to leave new car back and go back on the deal but then thought why should i he made the mistake of not checking car before the deal
...he did not drive the car before the deal but i knew there was a problem with clutch and felt the honest thing to do was pay him price of the clutch...
tory, the guy is a car dealer. He has the knowledge and the wherewithall to check cars thoroughly before he completes a deal.

He had the option to drive the car before finalising the transaction, but opted not to - that's his problem, not yours.

I would politely tell him to take a hike.

BTW, did you sign the SIMI contract thing (enormous pink form that needs 93 signatures, 4 weeks to read, a room-full of lawyers to interpret it and then disagree as to what it actually means)?
no i didnt sign pink form, i signed finance documents, new owner on car tax book & selllers name on the tax book for car traded. whats worrying me is he still has all the documents as he told me he would look after it all for me
Go back and tell him you want to cancel the entire deal. Watch him wither.
Yes I agree withe RSK, tell him you want your car back, plus the trade in money and clutch money. See how quickly he drops the subject.

I traded in an escort a few years ago for a focus, the deal did not include the alloys on my escort and that was stated at the time, put when it came to payment the dealer was very angry that I had removed the alloys and wanted more cash. I told him he could keep the focus and he soon backtracked. Havent been back since and that was an official ford dealer
