Clive Burr passed away last night

Betsy Og

Registered User
Iron Maiden drummer from 1979 to 1982 died last night :(- in a pure coincidence I picked a t-shirt out of the wardrobe last night - it says "I ran to Brixton for Clive" - re a charity concert for him 11 years ago almost to the day - he'd battled with MS since that time.

So a werid co-incidence (you're probably more intrigued that a guy can be wearing clothes 11 years old - I'd say I could fairly easily find clothes that are 15 years old that I still wear !!:eek:, so on the minus side it a bad sign of cheapskatedness and lack of fashion sense or interest - but on the plus side I cant have let myself go too badly if stuff 15 years old still fits me:p)
Spotted that now - when I read it it said "last night" & I didnt check the date as I was fairly sure I'd logged in the day before and not spotted that story, so I presumed it was fresh off the presses.

So less of a co-incidence then, based on Occam's Razor (wiki it: basically the simplest explanation -i.e. the one with fewest assumptions- is probably the correct explanation) it's probably because that t-shirt was on the top of the pile.

Interesting sub-reference in that article to Hanlon's Razor - assume incompetence before malice (so I was incompetent, not malicious!:eek:)