Climate change propaganda by The Time Atlas utterly debunked - by scientists!


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Climate change propaganda by The Time Atlas utterly debunked - by scientists!


The publishers of the Times Atlas have finally accepted that their map exaggerated climate change and will release a correction.

There were calls to pulp the latest £150 edition of the world’s most prestigious atlas, after Cambridge scientists at the Scott Polar Research Institute branded its depiction of Greenland ‘incorrect and misleading’.

Its publishers had changed a vast coastal area from white to green, suggesting the melting of the polar ice cap had dramatically speeded up.

At first they refused to admit the map was wrong, but yesterday Harper Collins announced an insert containing the right data will be produced as soon as possible. The statement said: ‘On reflection and in discussion with the scientific community, the current map does not make the explanation of this topic as clear as it should be.’


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Isn't it priceless that the nutters have hi-jacked the Times Atlas to propagandize Climate Change.

Got caught at it rapid this time though haven't they?

Comprehensively rebutted by something called The Truth.
Never heard of the Time Atlas.

This looks to me like a Straw man argument.

A pretty major publication in terms of educational material. However, I think the issue the Daily Mail is missing is that the error was identified and corrected by climate change scientists. So there was no cover up, the publishers made a huge error, it was spotted, it was corrected. The fault was in the Publisher not having the data proofed by someone more appropriate rather than any attempt to mislead the public.

And the reporting does seem to miss the point that the Atlas was incorrect in the amount of ice lost. There has still been loss of ice, just not as much as the Atlas reported.
Ahh The Times Atlas! I thought it might have something to do with Time Magazine who also produce Almanacs and Atlasses.

That explains it.

I saw a very interesting programmeThe Beauty of Maps on BBC 4 recently concerning maps and atlasses. It concentrated on the political, social, economic, aesthic aspects of map making as well as the purely scientific, cartological aspects.

I also look at great web blogs entitled themaproom (closed June 11) and strange maps both of which delight in pointing out anomolies and mistakes in modern and older maps.