Ok so Friday is the big day, I took out my home insurance 10 days before I signed because I wanted to make sure that they posted the letter out in time.
@ericsson FYI, got my Insurance through Quinn. They were the cheapest quote at about 400Euros per year.
Solicitors I went to was Bennetts over McLoughlins Butchers on the main road, cost 75 euros so wasnt too bad. They came and fixed the gas anyways,,, until next time I suppose, also when guy was fixing gas he was to go into your place? Apparently gas fire not working properly? Or should I say electric fire, mines working grand. However no hot water in my kitchen tap, prob need to get plumber out to see if theres any air locks or something like that.
Bet you cant wait to get your keys, first you will prob meet with Eileen who will go through the AH part, then Orla will go through the legal part, you will be there a good 90 minutes I reckon, them you get letter of release for the keys, when you get this immediately call the security fella to give you the keys and to make sure the fences are taken down.
I didnt know you posted last, this thing supposed to email me and let me know, ive been like a mad man painting the place, appliances coming saturday, hopefully place getting tiled then, its been mad week for me, so busy. Running out of money though
Fella in number 5 has been in and out, parked outside your place yesterday so he did. Its a nightmare for u
to park our Colt on the 180 degree driveway