Cleaning Patio


Registered User
Just wondering is bleach and water the best way for cleaning a patio area after all the grime and dirt of the winter weather, or are there any othe good alternatives.
I'd recommend Jeyes fluid, diluted as per the instructions on the bottle. Spray the area to be treated with the dilute mixture using a watering can with a fine rose. Allow to act for about half an hour, then rinse off with cold water and a yard brush. I use it to treat a north facing driveway and it helps keep it moss free. I love the smell of it as well! It works well on timber decks as well.
Check out this Jeyes fluid Path, Patio and Drive Cleaner and go to the Thursday 20th specials I haven't used it but it may help. The timing could mean it's destined for you.

MAJJ said:
Check out this Jeyes fluid Path, Patio and Drive Cleaner and go to the Thursday 20th specials I haven't used it but it may help. The timing could mean it's destined for you.

Thanks for the tip MAJJ!