Cleaning of rental property


Registered User
Hi All,

I moved out of a rented apartment 2 weeks ago and left the place clean.
The landlord inspected it and said he wanted it left in the pristine condition that it was when I moved in. I agreed to clean it again instead of losing out on some or all of the deposit. He then sent me a list of what he wanted clean. Is it common for a landlord to ask for the freezer to be defrosted??
Common was bad choice of words!
What I meant was would the landlord be able to keep the deposit if the freezer wasnt defrosted? I did defrost it but left some hard bits of ice there. It feels like the LL is holding the deposit hostage and using me as a cleaner!
Like in what circumstances can a landlord legally keep a deposit.

You've changed the story from not defrosted to mostly defrosted. Also from a list of things to clean, to just a mostly defrosted unit. So that's quite different situation.

The issue would seem to be if the melting water from the fridge would cause damage. The place might not be rented out again for a while. Though I can't see that being a major issue to warrant retaining the deposit.

People have very different expectations as to what "clean" is. So its hard to give an answer to that with out a better description of the cleaning the LL is expecting here. In general the places should be as you got it, with normal wear and tear expected. If the LL has to go in with a face mask and industrial cleaners to rent the place out again, I think that's above normal wear.

You should take photos when you move in. Then after you've cleaned it. Just for your own records.
Sorry for the confusion!
I was given a list of 13 things to clean. For example; Hoover under beds, clean shower curtain, defrost freezer. I did everything on the list but couldn't shift a lump of ice from freezer so I had to leave it. So I'm wondering how much cleaning should a tenant have to do to get the deposit back, can they keep my deposit because of that lump if ice??
Seems to me that a lump of ice does not arise on its own. The complete area surrounding the lump must also have been of the same density. Frost does not build up to this extent, in one area, unless it has not been taken care of - meaning defrosted as necessary. Partial defrosting does result in these type of lumps!

It is my opinion that the property should be returned to the landlord in good condition, and apart from fair wear and tear, the property should be as clean as it was when you first moved in.
There is no problem with wear on carpets, provided there are no large tears, burns or stains.
Reasonable wear for the time you were there is to be expected.
Other items like odd marks on walls is to be expected.
I am sorry I feel that under the beds should have been clean and dust free, the shower curtain should have been clean. Would you have rented it in the condition that you returned it to the landlord.
When you rent a property you should care for it as if it were your own.
Well only the LL can decide. sounds like you've done enough. I think.

If the LL keeps the deposit and you disagree you can raise it with the PRTB.