'Clean' films? DVD movies suitable for our mother to watch.


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My sisters and I are trying to get our mother into the habit of watching movies at home on a DVD player. The DVD player and the movies aren't an issue. The issue is finding suitable movies for her. Specifically movies that she probably would not have already seen, which means one made in the last 20 years.

By suitable, I mean something with no, or little, bad language, violence or 'nudey business' ! So far she has watched The Queen and The Kings Speech and has enjoyed them. The challenge now is to find more.

Any suggestions ?
You mother has probably heard bad language before and you're living proof she has seen at least one naked man.

Why do you think she needs protecting?

Bridges of Maddison County is a good one if she hasn't seen it.
Most comedies would probably be in that range - e.g. Meet the Parents. Also some films seem to be noticeably avoiding bad language where it would 'suit' the context, probably in order to get a lower age cert and a greater potential cinema market.

For instance you could get Transformers 2 (no bad language) and it would tick all the boxes for you (Megan Fox looks exceptionally hot but that's allowed) - however it probably isnt suitable for anyone over 15 - I enjoyed it but thats a mental age thing.....

Heartbreakers is good fun (again hot girl but no funny business... sadly).
Green Mile
Color Purple
Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
Schindlers List
Saving Private Ryan
older but still brilliant, To Kill a Mockingbird
Not a movie but I'm sure she would love the Downton Abbey miniseries if she hasn't already seen it. Also, any of the BBC period dramas (esp. Pride and Prejudice) would be good too.
.........'nudey business' !

And there I was thinking the whole point of home dvd players was to be able to enjoy a bit of cinematic nudey business in the privacy of your own home

+1 to The Bridges of Madison County, and all of Newbies recommendations.
I recommend :
Marely and Me
Momma Mia
Any of the Harry Potter films

Maybe browse through the IMDB Top 250 here to get some ideas?
Anything with Tom Hanks so?

Defo Watched Green Mile last night and as usual cried. Fabulous film along with Forrest Gump. BTW don't think Tom Hanks was in Shawshank Redemption. He was offered the part but could not take it up. Tim Robbins and the fabulous Morgan Freeman were the main men.

Notebook is a good romantic film that she might like.

I can't bring myself to look at Marley and Me because I've heard that the dog dies in the end so no way.

If she has a particular comedy series that she likes it might be a good idea to get the series e.g. I bought tapes for my father with Only Fools and Horses and he regularly watches them to cheer himself up. I always enjoy Inspector Clouseau because he is such a wally but these might be too old for DVD.
I know it is over 20 years old but my wife still watches the quiet man, She thinks it is a classic, The Terminal, Again with Tom hanks is both funny and a weepy with no offensive language in it, Forrest gump , The curious case of Benjamin button, The aviator, Or Slumdog millionaire , All interesting and clean.
Green Mile
Color Purple
Shawshank Redemption
Forrest Gump
Schindlers List
Saving Private Ryan
older but still brilliant, To Kill a Mockingbird

Swearing, rape, threat of gay rape, Forrest Gump barely ok, genocide, slaughter

The only one there is the last one and even then the story is about a violent crime

The OP asked for
no, or little, bad language, violence or 'nudey business'

I don't know about those recommendations

Now I seem realy old fashioned, not my intention
Swearing, rape, threat of gay rape, Forrest Gump barely ok, genocide, slaughter

I'm guessing the OP's mother is aware all of the above exists! I think some of the above is more inferred in some of the aforementioned movies than graphically shown. Although, would have to watch them all again to confirm....
A beautiful Mind.
Walk the Line (I admit there are drugs and rock and roll)
The Constant Gardener
Moulin Rouge
Planes, trains & automobiles
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Good Will Hunting
Stand by Me
Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
The Pianist

Some old classics like

Some like it hot
Its a wonderful life
One flew over the cookoos nest
12 Angry men
Well there was lots of Dancing and music with some moments of nostalgia where the War veteran talks about the watch.
Just my 3 cents!
You mother has probably heard bad language before and you're living proof she has seen at least one naked man.

I laughed out loud at that

The Notebook and The Bridges of Madison County are good choices.

Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistlestop Cafe
Ghost (She'll have to fast forward the pottery scene)
The Blindside