Class A PRSI


Registered User
I am Class A PRSI And am planning to retire soon enough even though I wont have 40 years.
I've always known I would have to sign on for JSB as part of my pension for 9 months, and after that supplementary pension till I'm 65.
The other part of my pension will come from the department .
I thought when I get supplementary pension I would be able to work part time if I wanted to _but recently I saw something on here that made me think this isnt the case.
I'd just like to clarify whether or not I can work when receiving supplementary pension?
To the best of my knowledge, you can't!

A supplementary pension .....
" comes in for consideration when a person is unemployed and, through no fault of their own, fails to qualify for any Social Welfare entitlement; "
The conditions state that you cannot be employed in any capacity which involves the payment of a Social Welfare (PRSI) contribution.
Thanks it's as I !thought from something I read on here

Once I reach 65 (I'm not very far from it) I take it I can work then if i wish to? Supplementary pension will be finished at 65 wont it?
Supplementary finishes at 65 if you qualify for the new over - 65s payment (or, unlikely as it is, another contributory SW payment).
There are PRSI contributions conditions attached to the over-65s payment, so it is not automatic that you will qualify for it. (

Even if you qualify for the over 65 payment you may still be eligible for a partial Supplementary if the SW payment is less than you are eligible for in the Supplementary (ie, a top-up).
The conditions state that you cannot be employed in any capacity which involves the payment of a Social Welfare (PRSI) contribution.
thanks for this clarification Early Riser. If someone is renting an apartment and paying PRSI on the rent, does this mean it should not affect the supplementary pension?

If someone is renting an apartment and paying PRSI on the rent, does this mean it should not affect the supplementary pension?

I suspect that is correct but I don't actually know. Here is what the legislation says:

(2) Where a member to whom Paragraph (1) applies—

(a) for reasons outside of his or her control, fails to qualify for a Social Welfare Benefit or qualifies for a Social Welfare benefit at a reduced
rate, and
(b) is unemployed

then, so long as the relevant body is satisfied that the pre-conditions set out in this Article are met, the former member may, at the discretion of the relevant body, be paid a supplementary pension

And here is the current explanatory guide from the Dept of Ed (different depts/ employers have their own guides, sometimes phrased differently):

(2) Where a member to whom Paragraph (1) applies—
(a) for reasons outside of his or her control, fails to qualify for a Social Welfare Benefit or qualifies for a Social Welfare benefit at a reduced
rate, and
(b) is unemployed

then, so long as the relevant body is satisfied that the pre-conditions set out in this Article are met, the former member may, at the discretion of the relevant body, be paid a supplementary pension.

The DSP social welfare benefits in question are:
 Jobseeker’s Benefit
 Illness Benefit
 Invalidity Pension
 Benefit payment for 65 year olds
 State Pension (Contributory)
Thanks for all the info
I'm disappointed as I always intended to do a bit of part time work when on the supplementary pension. I thought i could _ glad i found out now you cant.
By my reading of the over 65 s payment I wont qualify for that as i wont have been working for 3 years before that.