Clarity needed on C Card statements


Registered User
I received my statement from visa and noticed 4 transaction via PayPal when I don't have a PayPal account.
Two of the transactions were companies I did not recognise, I paid Amazon not these other companies, and the other two were from another company called PITNEYBOWS, after enquiries it turned out to be their packaging and postal company. in the past it was all inclusive in the price. After querying it, all 4 where correct but very confusing and time wasting for myself and Visa. We must have clarity and not just numbers and names that mean nothing
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On the next statement was a deduction for €8.85 for Amazon prime membership which I inadvertently joined and knew nothing about, this was a monthly subscription, so I promptly deleted my CC details and cancelled my prime membership and account
Yeah, I’ve noticed that lately. In the past an Amazon transaction would appear as one billing, even when buying an item from an Amazon seller, not just Amazon. Now the order appears as a number of entries, one for each seller.

Many online retailers use PayPal for their sales. Customers don’t need PayPal, just a debit/credit card.
Previously many such sites would have the PayPal logo and this was driving potential customers away thinking they needed a PayPal account.

I don’t bother with Amazon Prime. What is(are) the advantage(s)?
Usually when I search for something on Amazon I check the “Free Shipping” box.

I’ve found that these “features”, usually labelled “Premium” are just a way of getting more money out of you.
Another is “Currency Conversion”. If I’m using and prices are listed in GBP, I’ll always pay in GBP. Not EUR. I don’t bother doing it any more, but I used to make a note of the EUR price and consult my statement when debited. Every single time the GBP charge worked out as cheaper than the EUR currency conversion.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that lately. In the past an Amazon transaction would appear as one billing, even when buying an item from an Amazon seller, not just Amazon. Now the order appears as a number of entries, one for each seller.

Many online retailers use PayPal for their sales. Customers don’t need PayPal, just a debit/credit card.
Previously many such sites would have the PayPal logo and this was driving potential customers away thinking they needed a PayPal account.

I don’t bother with Amazon Prime. What is(are) the advantage(s)?
Usually when I search for something on Amazon I check the “Free Shipping” box.

I’ve found that these “features”, usually labelled “Premium” are just a way of getting more money out of you.
Another is “Currency Conversion”. If I’m using and prices are listed in GBP, I’ll always pay in GBP. Not EUR. I don’t bother doing it any more, but I used to make a note of the EUR price and consult my statement when debited. Every single time the GBP charge worked out as cheaper than the EUR currency conversion.
the scary fact is I did not knowingly join the Premier account, which as you say is a way of making more money out of us. Could there be one of those boxes that you have to untick instead of tick?