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Is it true that clampers have to wait a period of time before clamping your car. As in: have to record the car illegally parked & they come after a period of time (around 20 minutes) & clamp it, is this true?

Also what happens if a car is recorded at say 6.50 & the pay-and-display finishes at 7.00?
I don't think they do have to wait - I've seen signs office-walls in town talking about 'ruthless' clampers, so that would point to their moving v.quiick to clamp.

In an area like this, I wouldn't leave the car for 5mins for fear that it would be clamped, but I've also accidentally let the ticket on the car expire for nearly an hour without it being seen and clamped.

I think it depends but I wouldn't count on any period of grace - that includes the 10 unpaid minutes on your ticket!
Have also heard that this depends on the value of your car! Speaking to a clamper one day who told me that the higher the value of the car, the more 'points' the clamper gets. They have a chart on the wall back at 'clamping central' and the person with the highest score at the end of the month wins money from the rest.

Thankfully my Astra attracts lower points so the Merc or BMW parked illegally beside mine is likely to be clamped first!!! True story!