Clamping on private grounds

Tom G

Registered User
A question on clamping.

Two weeks ago I was playing an away match in the grounds of my opponents. I parked my car in their car park. When I finished my match I discovered my car had been clamped. When I asked why; they pointed out that the car park was a pay and display, something I hadn’t noticed on arrival. They went on to inform me that the clamping was outsourced to a private clamping company and I would have to ring them and pay them 80 euro to get my car released. I was left with no choice but to do this to get my car released. (I won’t be playing in that club again.)

My question. Is it ok for a private club to effectively confiscate my car in their property while I was a guest of theirs. I can understand why clamping is carried on the public roads because people who park illegally are denying others the use of the road. But in a private car park I can’t understand how they would be able to deny me access to my car until I paid them over 80 euro. I parked my car only for the duration of the match.
My hunch is that the possibility of clamping would have to be clearly signalled to users of the car park, which doesn't seem to be the case.

If it wasn't clearly indicated, then I'd write (politely, and without ranting) to the Secretary of the club, with a CC to the Secretary of your own club, suggesting that they attend to the matter of adequate signage and indicating that, with regret, you'll feel unable to play there again — or to recommend that others do — until such time, etc. Word it the right way, and I'd wager you'll get your €80 reimbursed as a goodwill gesture. 'Fair play', and all that...
My question .Is it ok for a private club to effectively confiscate my car in their property while I was a guest of theirs.
From the point of view of the other side, is it ok for a private person to effectively confiscate their property (the parking space) without complying with their conditions?
Thank DR Moriarty for your suggestion I will follow up with a letter.
RainyDay I take your point but it is a Club Car Park and I was only using to car park position for the period of the match. And legally you probably are correct. It seems strange to invite some one to play a match and literally use this situation to make money out of them. I think on any invitations we should be told that there is a price to be paid for using each of the services within the club. I wasn't charged for using their courts,using the shower,the soaps etc.
I can understand the police etc clamping on a a public road .I have to say I am following my natural instincts on this one by saying it is wrong. In the reverse situation if I had a visitor to my club I would be buying the drinks and making sure my visitior left my club satisfied and happy with their experience.

Thank you both for your comments

Tom G
you are coming from the invitation angle a lot, you were invited by the sounds of things but your car was not

It was the grounds of templeogue tennis club .It was Sunday morning at approx 10:30 for League Match!