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Hi All
Firstly a word of warning I suppose. I was clamped yesterday for parking within 5 metres of a junction. It was on a residential street with no line markings or signs. I believe that this is actually a rule but I find it pretty unreasonable as I was causing no obstruction whatsoever and there were cars near every corner. I don't suppose anyone would advise that I appeal this? Anyway if not, just want everyone to note this fact cos if i had have known I would have been more cautious!!
I have to say that I don't see any reason for you to appeal it. Just learn from the experience.
If you park near a corner, you do either : require that other people go wide, so as to get around you ( where they can't see oncoming traffic) or block peoples view at the junction.
Just because other people are doing it, does not make it right

Just in case anyone wants to brush on on where it is legal to park
[broken link removed]
i say fair play to the clampers - no offence to the op but too many people are doing this - especially in residential estates where there are kids on the paths, people out walking etc. You may think you weren't causing an obstruction but by parking that close to a junction it makes it unsafe for traffic and pedestrians at that corner/junction. personally i'd love to see much more of it (even in my cul-de-sac) where people just park in daft places - blocking footpaths, forcing children and pedestrians to step onto the road to get around a car.
Hi, I dont agree with Blinder, I believe you should always appeal if you feel something was unjust, always appeal, I did before and won.

You are not alone, Check out [broken link removed]

"Stand up and be counted"
This clamping is just another licence to print money,as usual load it on to the moterist innocent or not guilty until proven innocent
I was clamped yesterday for parking within 5 metres of a junction.


I believe that this is actually a rule
Yes - [broken link removed].
Parking is also prohibited:
  • ...
  • Within 5 metres of a road junction unless there are facilities provided for doing so (e.g. a road inset)
  • ...
but I find it pretty unreasonable
If you don't like the rules of the road then perhaps you should not drive?
Maybe a fire engine would find it difficult to turn into the street with you parked there.

Clamping makes no sense though if presumably you were causing an obstuction.
Clamping makes a lot of sense. Holly Olly has already indicated that she would not park there again. I frequently call the clampers when I see cars parked too close to junctions or parked where there is a continuous white line in the middle of the road on my route from Sandymount into work in Ballsbridge. They do ususally come so it's worth doing.

Clamping makes a lot of sense.

I think umop3p!sdn (interesting name!) meant it makes no sense in that if the car's causing an obstruction, it's still causing an obstruction after it's been clamped - and will probably be doing so for longer now that it can't be moved. Hard to deny the contradiction there.

If it's in a valid parking space but not paid for, then it makes some sense - though I'm still against it in principle.
Hi, I dont agree with Blinder, I believe you should always appeal if you feel something was unjust, always appeal, I did before and won.

You are not alone, Check out [broken link removed]

"Stand up and be counted"

According to the rules of the road the OP was illegally parked - so why should they appeal it or what was unjust - each appeal costs us the tax payers even more money. Everytime someone in this country is caught doing something wrong someone encourages them to appeal. If you want to risk disobeying a law then be prepared to suffer the consequences.

A friend of mine never uses parking tickets and reckons over the course of the year he in the black - cost of parking Vs cost of fines. He is prepared to take the chance but doesn't grumble when caught.
This clamping is just another licence to print money,as usual load it on to the moterist innocent or not guilty until proven innocent

Disagree.... the rules of the road are written black on white, and too many people think there are above the law. They need to be threatened (fines, clamps, points) to listen & obey.
It is fair enough than to get penalised for not obeying these rules.
Brendan, what number do you call ? I could keep these guys busy all day with the way some people park near here.
